The Inside Stories of Japanese Academic Publishing
Kinokuniya (US office), together with Sanninsha, Yumani Shobo, Kress Shuppan and Suirensha, is holding an online event, on 7 and 9 July, entitled 日本の学術出版の裏ばなし The Inside Stories of Japanese Academic Publishing.
Prof Tsuda Mayumi (Keio University) has organized an online symposium in conjunction with the next conference of the Japanese Early Modern Literature Asssociation. The theme might be of interest to some of you: デジタル時代の和本リテラシー古典文学研究と教育の未来.
Date: 2021年6月12日(土)13:30~15:40
Please find all information on the dedicated website:
EAJS-L: Book History in Japan Seminar and Symposium: Video Recordings
Introduction to Premodern Japanese Books for Art Historical Research
Day 1: Monday 15th March
- Overview of the History of the Book in Japan
- Main Types of Book Binding
- Book Format Conversion
- History of Printing in Japan (Temple Prints and Gozan-ban)
- The Relationship between Manuscripts and Prints
Day 2: Tuesday 16th March
16th Forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project
Japanese education history in various countries
Professor Ogawa of Yokoyama University, will arrange interesting zoom-seminar March 6h on Japanese education history in various countries:
For more information:
The Super Power of Japanese Soft-Power
The Super Power of Japanese Soft-Power
International conference
6 and 7 March 2021
As the aim of this project is to raise public awareness of the new horizons ensured by Japanese soft power policies, the main event is focused on providing a platform for experts in the field to share their ideas, communicate different views and search for important and insightful solutions for the successful promotion of cultural products in a global world.
NDL Digital Collections and the Digitized Contents Transmission Service
The NDL will hold a web event introducing the NDL Digital Collections and the Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries on March 4 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. JST.
Guest speakers from different libraries will talk about the use of the service at their libraries. A discussion of the service will follow.
This event will be held in Japanese and broadcast via Cisco Webex events.
To register, please send an email to no later than noontime JST on February 26.
Japan Search web event
Japan Search is a national platform for aggregating metadata from digital resources on a wide variety of subjects.
Operated by the NDL, Japan Search incorporates functionality to promote the use of digital content.
The NDL will hold a web event introducing the use of this functionality on March 3 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. JST.
Following an explanation of the functionality by an NDL employee, guest speakers will discuss how to use Japan Search in education, research, and community activities.