Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to explore the new thematic portal for the Japanese handscrolls in our collection at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (https://themen.crossasia.org/japanische-querrollen/).
These large-format works, which have been until now only accessible in the library's Digitized Collections in the form of individual images, can now be viewed in their entirety/entire length as a scroll on the CrossAsia site via an integrated viewer. In addition to early Buddhist prints, you will find richly illuminated works from the Edo period, as well as simple workshop copies of narratives or hand-coloured prints of processions. We hope you enjoy exploring.
A small technical note: The response time of the viewer until the complete scroll is displayed is currently still a bit long. It may take a few seconds for the scroll to build up.
If you have any questions or comments about the portal or the cross rolls, please write to x-asia[at]sbb.spk-berlin.de.
With best wishes for relaxing holidays,
Christian Dunkel
for the team of the East Asia Department