The 17th Forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project
The Collaborative Reference Database (CRD) is a tool for providing reference services at the National Diet Library, Japan (NDL), that is currently being developed in collaboration with libraries throughout Japan. At present, the database comprises about 150,000 questions that were submitted to reference librarians throughout Japan and which, together with their answers, are available to be browsed by the general public.
The subject of this year’s Forum on the CRD Project will be “The significance of continuing efforts: sharing ideas for continuous registration of data.”
The opening speech will be given by Mr. KUSAKA Kyuhachi, an editor of the Japanese edition of Wikipedia, who will talk about the significance of continuing efforts to accumulate and share data. In addition, some participating libraries that have been continuously registering data in the CRD will give presentations on their methods for constant data registration.
The goal of this Forum is to deepen understanding of the significance of accumulating and sharing data as well as to promote data registration by participating libraries.
This forum will be held online and entirely in the Japanese language. Anyone who is interested in the CRD or the subject matter of this Forum is welcome to participate. In particular, we welcome employees of libraries that participate in the CRD project, and we hope that this Forum will be an opportunity for them to gain ideas on how to solve problems related to the continuous registration of data.
Significance of continuing efforts: Sharing ideas for the continuous registration of data
Time and Date:
1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Japan Standard Time on Thursday, March 3, 2022
Online via Webex Events
900 participants
Main program:
- Opening speech “What continuity produces”
Mr. KUSAKA Kyuhachi, an editor of Wikipedia
- Reports from participating libraries
1. Kansai University Library
2. Itami City Library KOTOBAGURA
Ms. UEDA Akane
3. Ono Public Library
- Report from the NDL “How the CRD can be useful-Tips for registering and sharing data”
Library Support Division from the Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Japan
- Roundtable discussion
Participating libraries
Coordinator:Ms. OGUMA Masumi, Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Library
An hour-long social event will be held online via Webex meetings after the forum (participation is optional).
Please see the following page for information in Japanese on the program and how to register.
The 17th forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project https://crd.ndl.go.jp/jp/library/forum_17.html
Please direct all inquiries to the Library Support Division Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Japan
E-mail: info-crd@ndl.go.jp